- Dette arrangement har allerede funnet sted.
Transfer in Focus: Is O&G drilling and well competence needed for geothermal resource extraction?
Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi, Universitetet i Stavanger, GEAN og GCE Node ønsker velkommen til felles seminar om geotermisk energi i Stavanger. Arrangementet foregår på Universitetet i Stavanger og er gratis for medlemmer i NTVA og studenter (350,- for andre deltakere). Seminaret foregår på engelsk og påmelding er påkrevd.
Join UiS, GCE NODE, NTVA, and GEAN for a 1-day seminar on geothermal energy!
The seminar will explore the role of oil and gas competence in geothermal applications and the potential of re-purposing of abandoned O&G wells for geothermal energy production, digitalization and advanced drilling technology to enhance geologic resource potential.
The seminar will also address the challenges of deep geothermal extraction and the opportunities for regional businesses to develop solutions that could boost geothermal heat extraction in other European countries.
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn and network with experts in the field, and specially a visit to the geothermal energy site at UiS, read more
Tentativ Program:
08:30-09:00 Registration and Coffee
09:00-09:10 Welcome
09:10-11:00 Session 1: From oil and gas to geothermal energy
11:00-11:45 Lunch
11:45-13:15 Session 2: Research for cost reduction in geothermal applications
13:15-13:30 Coffee break
13:30-15:10 Session 3: Governmental perspective, re-purposing of infrastructure, international market, network/collaboration, incl. panel discussions
15:10-16:10 Session 4: Site visit to the UiS geothermal site