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Digital biomarkers: wearables and AI changing the rules of the game in healthcare

Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi og Tekna inviterer til fagmøte tirsdag 24. mai kl. 18:00 hos Universitetet i Agder. Møtet foregår på Campus Grimstad i Uglandsstua og etter møtet serveres det middag for de som ønsker det kl.19:00. Møtet foregår på engelsk og vil i tillegg bli streamet for de som ikke kan delta fysisk. Arrangementet er gratis og åpent for alle interesserte.

Se opptak fra møtet her:

Om møtet

Clinical research continues to be challenged by slow enrolment, lack of participant diversity, one-off data obtained in clinics rather than in the real world, slow reporting, little return to participants, and all that at a very high cost. The use of wearable technologies could help us transition to value-based healthcare by ensuring that the burden of disease is measured objectively and more frequently. Mining large data-sets of real-world data can unleash an immense societal impact. If we succeed in digitalizing clinical research, a true learning health system with massive knowledge banks could be created including demographics, treatment, and outcomes for millions of individuals. This could ultimately enable citizens to find their own digital twin, a personalized model of their health condition. Through a human-centered approach we can enable early identification of citizens at risk, timely and correct intervention, provide guidance in self-management and self-monitoring when appropriate, and last but not least, reduce biased clinical decision making.

Kveldens innleder:
Katarina Grujic is a senior researcher at NORCE leading an interdisciplinary research project, bridging the disciplines of biomedicine, computer science, engineering and informatics, looking into development of novel digital biomarkers and assistive technologies to improve diagnostics and streamline the provision of primary and municipal health services.

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